Tuesday May 31, 2022

Поколението Z / Gen Z - Младите имат какво да кажат за бъдещето на Европа

Автор: Силвия Петрова 

Подкастът акцентира върху очакванията на младите българи от Конференцията за бъдещето на Европа. Темите, които ги вълнуват – образование, заетост, социална справедливост, климатични проблеми и околна среда, здравеопазване – са същите, които се обсъждат по време на Конференцията. От този подкаст ще разберете какви стъпки могат да предприемат младите българи, ако искат да споделят идеите си по време на Конференцията.

Участници в подкаста: Станимир Бояджиев – част от ръководството на Европейския студентски съюз; Симона Димитрова – председател на българския национален младежки форум; Ахмед Куйтов – автор на проекта – български претендент за европейската младежка награда “Карл Велики” тази година; дванайсетокласниците Велико, Диан и Джулия и единайсетокласниците София, Николай и Божидар от българското училище в Никозия; Антония Чаушева от XII клас в българското училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий“ в Хага; Мария Габриел – еврокомисар по иновации, научни изследвания, култура, образование и младеж.

Young people have a say on the Future of Europe  
Author: Silviya Petrova  

The podcast “Young people have a say on the Future of Europe” is focused on the expectations of the young Bulgarians from the Conference of the Future of Europe. They share problems they expect the European Union to give solutions to. Some of the participants talk about how the Conference is a unique opportunity for the institutions to listen to the young people, that the European institutions can enact real change and that the EU can and will improve the lives of young people across Europe. As we listen to the young people sharing their expectations, we see that the topics of their concern – education, employment, social justice, climate change and the environment, health, are the same that are being discussed at the Conference. The podcast includes the expectations of the Gen Z representatives of the countries from the Western Balkans.

The opinions by the students from the Bulgarian school in Nicosia (Cyprus) and the student from the Bulgarian school in The Hague (The Netherlands) prove that there isn’t a significant difference in priorities between the country in a conflict zone and an economically strong member state of the EU. It’s quoted a survey carried out last October and November in all the EU Member States by the Eurobarometer about young people’s views on most pressing issues for the EU and the involvement of young Europeans in the Conference. This podcast explains the steps the young Bulgarians should take if they want to share their ideas during the Conference. Almost all young people say that they want the Conference to lead to concrete results and for the people of the Union to unite further.

The podcast includes soundbites from: Stanimir Boyadzhiev – a member of the Executive Committee of the European Students' Union; Simona Dimitrova – president of the Bulgarian National Youth Forum; Ahmed Kuitoff – his project is the Bulgarian candidate for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize; Veliko, Dian, Julia, Sofia, Nikolai and Bozhidar – students from the Bulgarian school in Nicosia (Cyprus); Antonia Chausheva – student at the Bulgarian school in The Hague (The Netherlands); Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.

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