Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

Поколението Z / Gen Z - Поколението Z или нуждаем ли се от регулации на изкуствения интелект

Автор: Оля Стоянова

Какво мислят за изкуствения интелект младите хора? Страхуват ли се от него, смятат ли, че трябва да има регулации и чувстват ли се сигурни артистите от поколението Z?

Чуйте по темата акад. Чавдар Руменин от БАН, евродепутата Ева Майдел, Блаж Зупан от Лабораторията по биоинформатика към Люблянския факултет по компютърни науки и информатика в Словения, както и млади хора, които се занимават с фотография, кино и рисуване.

Generation Z or do we need artificial intelligence regulations

Author: Olya Stoyanova

Scientists say that artificial intelligence can be defined as the ability of machines to learn, analyze and make plans, but we accept with a sense of doubt that machines can create art. Here is the key point – the idea that creativity is the territory that belongs only to humans. What do young people think about artificial intelligence? Are they afraid of it? Do they think there should be regulations, and do they feel safe as artists?

Because as acad. Chavdar Rumenin from the Institute of Robotics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences said: “An artificial intelligence with its self-learning algorithms can do many tasks, the so-called supercomputers can solve complex problems. But have you ever heard of a computer that has given a revolutionary suggestion or that has discovered a new phenomenon?”

You can listen to acad. Chavdar Rumenin from BAS, Eva Maydel - Member of the European Parliament, BLAŽ ZUPAN - the head of the bioinformatics laboratory at Slovenia’s Ljubljana Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, as well young people who are involved in photography, cinema and art.

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