Поколението Z
Какъв е светогледът на поколението Z, което в момента е и най-активното на Земята? Те са младите и активни хора, в чиито ръце е бъдещето на човечеството. Отличава ги симбиозата им с новите технологии и неограничените възможности на свободния свят и интернет. За какво мечтае това поколение, как вижда бъдещето на Европа, ще сътвори ли един по-добър свят? Поколение Z е новата подкаст поредица, която БНР прави в рамките на проекта на европейската радиомрежа Euranet Plus през 2022г. В тази поредица даваме думата на представителите на Поколението Z и чуваме как това поколение говори за себе си, как вижда себе си и за какво мечтае. Правим го, за да разберем кои са хората, които ще променят света ни. Двадесетте епизода в поредицата са вдъхновени от различни аспекти в Европейската година на младежта 2022г. и през уникалния младежки опит изследват в дълбочина политиките на ниво Европейски съюз, насочени към младите хора, точно в Европейската година на младежта – 2022г. Епизодите на български се произвеждат от автори от радиопрограмите в групата на БНР в международно редакционно сътрудничество с Евранет Плюс, европейската радиомрежа.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Автор: Оля Стоянова
Какво мислят за изкуствения интелект младите хора? Страхуват ли се от него, смятат ли, че трябва да има регулации и чувстват ли се сигурни артистите от поколението Z?
Чуйте по темата акад. Чавдар Руменин от БАН, евродепутата Ева Майдел, Блаж Зупан от Лабораторията по биоинформатика към Люблянския факултет по компютърни науки и информатика в Словения, както и млади хора, които се занимават с фотография, кино и рисуване.
Generation Z or do we need artificial intelligence regulations
Author: Olya Stoyanova
Scientists say that artificial intelligence can be defined as the ability of machines to learn, analyze and make plans, but we accept with a sense of doubt that machines can create art. Here is the key point – the idea that creativity is the territory that belongs only to humans. What do young people think about artificial intelligence? Are they afraid of it? Do they think there should be regulations, and do they feel safe as artists?
Because as acad. Chavdar Rumenin from the Institute of Robotics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences said: “An artificial intelligence with its self-learning algorithms can do many tasks, the so-called supercomputers can solve complex problems. But have you ever heard of a computer that has given a revolutionary suggestion or that has discovered a new phenomenon?”
You can listen to acad. Chavdar Rumenin from BAS, Eva Maydel - Member of the European Parliament, BLAŽ ZUPAN - the head of the bioinformatics laboratory at Slovenia’s Ljubljana Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, as well young people who are involved in photography, cinema and art.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Автор: Доротея Николова
Отвъд идеята за „Ганковото кафене”, с която сме отраснали, медиите у нас и по света често се превръщат в последна инстанция за сигнализиране и дори решаване на проблеми.
Новите млади обаче, от т.нар. поколение Z, за които технологиите са неизменен елемент от битието им още от раждането, имат и своите предпочитани нови медии. За тях всичко е онлайн. Медиите също.
Generation Z and digital native media
Author: Doroteya Nikolova
The new young, from the so-called Generation Z, for whom technology has been an integral part of their lives since birth, also have their preferred new media. For them, everything is online. The media too.
Although consuming information from media through bots, social media and platforms, Gen Z members rarely rely on traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television because everything is online. And they are used to "using new things".
Kalina Tsoneva, age 15, Varna
Krasimira Docheva, age 17, Varna
Maria Tileva, age 17, Varna
Miroslav Minchev, age 17, Varna
Maria Hristova, Sofia
Kristian Yulzari, Ruse
Justin Toms, PhD, digital expert - New Bulgarian University
Tanja Oblak Črnič, PhD – Faculty of social sciences, Ljubljana – Slovenia

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Автор: Радослав Чичев
Какво представлява несигурността на работното място и какви са последствията от нея?
Заедно с юриста доц. д-р Андрей Александров и със социолога и преподавател в Софийския университет Вероника Димитрова се опитваме да отговорим на следните въпроси: Какво могат да направят младите хора, които сега започват работа, за да се чувстват сигурни на работното си място? Как се променя светът от социална гледна точка и как това се отразява на младите хора, които сега започват работа?
Какъв е приносът на трудещия се човек, когато не е здравно и пенсионно осигурен и какви са последиците от това? Сравнение със ситуацията в Словения ни позволяват думите на Андрей Зорко, изпълнителен секретар на Асоциацията на свободните синдикати на страната.
Job insecurity
In the new episode of the Generation Z podcast, we look at what job insecurity is and what the consequences are. Together with our interlocutors: prof. Dr. Andrey Alexandrov, lawyer, and Veronika Dimitrova, sociologist and lecturer at the Sofia University, we try to answer the following questions: What can young people who are starting work now do to feel secure in their workplace? What are the main problems from the workers' and employers' point of view?
What are the dangers or consequences of a young person not wanting to develop in a certain area? How is the world changing from a social point of view and how does this affect young people who are now starting work? What is the contribution of the working person when he is not health and pension insured and what are the consequences of this? What are the processes that undermine social stability?

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Автор: Зорница Близнашка
„Местни дигитални жители“ – ако срещнете това определение в кръстословица, то определено става дума за представителите на „Поколението Z”, чийто житейски път се преплита изцяло с феномена дигитализация.
Израстналите с цифровите технологии в „малкия си джоб“ винаги са в мрежата, пленени от необятните й възможности или по-скоро обсебени от някоя медийна или стрийминг платформа - било то безплатна или с платен достъп. И най-често със смарт устройство в ръка, което ту е в 4G, ту е в 5G режим.
В този епизод ще чуете гледните точки на родените преди и след 1996 година Анелина, Венцислав и Иван.
To be or not to be 5G – no digital generations ask that anymore!
Author: Zornitsa Bliznashkahka
"Digital natives" - if you come across this definition in a crossword, it is definitely about the people from Gen Z – the generation which life path is the same as the one of the phenomenon digitalization.
This age group‘s heart beats in "megabytes" - they are most of the time online and constantly reading, listening or watching something. And also creating some kind of digital content.
In general, those who grew up with the digital technology in their pocket are always in the web, because they are seduced by its vast possibilities. Or even obsessed with them, or with something in the media. Or with a streaming platform - free or with paid access. And mainly with a smart device in their hands, that is sometimes in 4G, sometimes in 5G mode.
Like the Millennials, the previous generation, the Zoomers are very well aware of the pros and cons in the development of technology and of mobile networks. As well as what digital progress brings to all of us as a society - both virtual and real.
More about all of that you will find by listening to this episode of the podcast, where you will be able to hear the opinion of the both generations - those born before and born after 1996.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Автор: Виктор Бистрев
Какво се наблюдава в момента на пазара на труда? Kaква може да бъде разликата между половете на работното място? В придобиването на образователна степен, на знания и на умения?
Има ли разлика при мъжете и жените в заплащането за едни и същи позиции?
Какви са настоящите стереотипи в обществото, за да има полово неравенство?
Имат ли жените в момента равен достъп до пазара на труда и до ръководни позиции?
По какъв начин бизнесът трябва се противопостави на проблема с разликите в заплащането между жените и мъжете?
Какви трябва да бъдат законодателните мерки за отстраняване на половото неравенство?
Как половото неравенство може да провокира сексуален тормоз на работното място?
Отговорите на тези въпроси ще научите тук в подкаста „Поколението Z“.
Ще чуете мненията на:
✅ Анджела Иванова и Гергана Станчева - млади жени предприемачи, основатели на иновативно зелено бизнес начинание
✅ Алекс и Теодор, скоро завършили 12 клас ученици, които работят на пълен работен ден в сферата на ресторантьорството
✅ Tea Ярц, обучител на свободна практика, фасилитатор и президент на профсъюза Youth Plus - Sindikat Mladi plus в Словения
ЕNG: Are both genders equal in the workplace?
What could be the gender gap in the workplace? Is there a difference in positions, a difference in pay, a difference in obtaining an educational degree, knowledge and skills. You will learn the answers to these questions in this episode of the "Generation Z" podcast.
We asked what recently graduated students who would like to realize themselves in the field of entrepreneurship observe on the labour market. Alex and Theodore are currently working full-time in the restaurant industry.We will hear from young female entrepreneurs, founders of an innovative business venture with international recognition since their revolutionary idea makes printing and the entire printing industry greener and more sustainable forever. We asked Gergana Stancheva and Angela Ivanova, founders of LAM'ON - manufacturer of biodegradable laminating film and packaging foil, what they observe on the labour market. They speak mostly as employers about: What are the current stereotypes observed in the society? Do the women have equal rights in the labour market? What measures could the business implement in order to prevent the difference between the salaries of man and women? Are women underrepresented in leadership positions? What should be the legislate measures to eliminate the gender inequalities? How can gender inequality provoke sexual harassment in the workplace?
Tea Jarc is a freelance trainer and facilitator and President at Trade Union Youth Plus - Sindikat Mladi plus in Slovenia. According to her, young people in Slovenia are facing numerous discriminations. Young women are often targeted in job advertisements. Even the advertisements themselves are sometimes written for only one gender, even though the law stipulates that advertisements must be neutral and available to all genders, but for example some company would prefer a female waitress or librarian or saleswoman. On the other hand, we can also see that men are preferred for more technical and scientific jobs. There, women simply feel this discrimination, a kind of contempt and doubt about their abilities for these types of professions.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Младите и политиката: дистанцирани или провокирани
Автор: Виолета Ашикова Защо младите остават трайно дистанцирани от политическия живот, лесно или трудно припознават лицата, които са близо до техните проблеми, искат ли да се занимават с политика, да членуват в политически партии, да заемат обществени длъжности, кои са темите, които привличат интереса им като избиратели, какви са навиците им на медийно поведение, от къде се информират и още много въпроси, на които търсим отговори в този епизод на подкаста “Поколението Z”. Срещаме ви с активни млади хора, които са ангажирани с мнение, отношение, обучение, отговорности, млади хора, които осъзнават, че политиката засяга всеки, а гласът на младите е най-голямото им оръжие, само когато бъде образован и обмислен. Ще чуете и млади хора, трудно намиращи в политиката отговори на въпросите, които ги вълнуват, слабо заинтересовани от обществено-политическите теми и разочаровани от медийния образ на българските политици. Title: Youth and Politics: distanced or provoked Why young people remain permanently distanced from political life, do they easily or difficulty recognize the persons, who are close to their problems, do they want to be involved in politics, to be members of political parties, to hold public positions, what are the topics that attract their interest such as voters, what their media behavior habits are, where they get their information from and many more question we seek answers to in this episode of the Generation Z podcast. We meet you with active young people who are engaged in opinion, attitude, learning, responsibilities, young people who realize that politics affects everyone, and the voice of young people is their greatest weapon, only when it is educated and considered. You will also hear surveyed young people in Sofia who find it difficult to find answers to the questions that concern them in politics, who are not very interested in socio-political topics and are disappointed by the media image of Bulgarian politicians.

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Автор: Елеонора Тропанкова
Лято е, а първото нещо, за което човек се сеща при тази дума, е ваканцията. Това е най-обичаното и чакано време от годината, а за младите хора от т.нар. поколение „Z” това е времето за откривателстване.
С участието на представителите на Поколението Z София Дренкова, Кристиян Юлзари, Диди Мавродиева, Криста Механджийска; на Румен Драганов от Института за анализи и оценки в туризма и на Дино от Словения.
Gen “Z” vacation: Free and without borders
Author: Eleonora Tropankova
It's summer, and the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that word is vacation. This is the most loved and awaited time of the year, and for young people from the so-called generation "Z" this is the time of discovery.
26-year-old Krista from Blagoevgrad considers herself a typical representative of the "Z" generation. She says she and her peers are adventurers. They love dynamics, change, the different.
"For me, it is very important, when we are in another country, to get to know what is typical of the respective place, what food they eat, what traditions they have. This gives me great pleasure, because apart from the physical pleasure of being in another place, you somehow enrich your knowledge and culture. We are greatly benefited by the very fact that we have computers around us. After all, computers are in our pocket, our phone is actually our computer, and we can find the information we need about the place we are looking for at any time. Perhaps it makes us appear to be more curious, more inquisitive, and more open to the world. The times in which we live perhaps urge us to be so to the world."Christian: “For me, standing on the beach for two weeks or less is not the way I relax. Something I really like are the kind of excursion trips where I grab my backpack and start walking from place to place. My dream is to visit as many places as possible in Europe, traveling by train, meeting new people, and getting to know new cultures. Fortunately, the EU allows us to travel unrestricted within the European community."
According to Rumen Draganov from the Institute for Analyzes and Evaluations in Tourism, each generation has its own way of traveling and tourism. “This generation is much more of a discoverer, on a 'where my eyes can see' basis. They can now travel all over the world," adds Draganov.And if they had to use one word to describe the way young people of the new generation vacation, they unanimously stop at freedom. Generation "Z" also defines themselves as the new generation that pays particular attention to the protection of natural resources and a more ecological way of life. That is why many young people in Europe increasingly prefer the ecological way of moving - bicycles, scooters, electric cars, as well as rail transport. Christian is also a fan of traveling by train, not only on weekdays but also during the holiday period.
"I am one of the few young people in Bulgaria who love to travel by train and in particular the Bulgarian trains. There are many reasons for this. Of course, transport in Europe, rail transport in particular, is much better developed, much more precise, but somehow, I miss that romance of traveling by train. Not to mention that rail transport is the most ecological option, i.e. apart from the fact that you enjoy beautiful views, as there are in Bulgaria, you protect the environment, since the railway transport in Bulgaria is almost entirely electric. And apart from that, we meet fellow travelers that I call "train buddies."

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Автор: Емил Костов
Още „бащата на интернет“ Тим Бърнард Лий предупреждава през 2006 година, че мрежата може да излезе от контрол и да се окаже в ръцете на злото. Той препоръчва да се анализират всички процеси, които се случват в интернет пространството и така да се попречи на антидемократичните сили да осъществяват систематична манипулация на информацията.
По темата говорят:
Станислав Додов от екипа на Национална младежка мрежа, ангажиран с работата по проектите в рамките на U-report България, платформа инициирана от UNICEF и действаща в повече от 90 страни в света Никола Тулечки, университетски преподавател, консултант по работа с данни, както и част от екипа на Factcheck.bg-платформа, ангажирана изцяло с проверка на факти от информационния поток Пламен Попов, съосновател и изпълнителен директор на списание „Български предприемач“.
Tой организира състезание за предприемачески идеи „Започни млад“. Христо Нихризов, експерт на Центъра по право на информационните и комуникационните технологии
Title: Control and freedom on the web
Even the "father of the Internet" Tim Bernard Lee warned in 2006 that the web could get out of control and end up in the hands of evil. He recommends analyzing all the processes that take place in the Internet space and thus prevent anti-democratic forces from carrying out systematic manipulation of information.
Around Russia's war in Ukraine, it became clear that a significant part of the information being disseminated about the conflict had little to do with reality. This rather murky wave of information inevitably affects young people as well. Stanislav Dodov from the National Youth Network team is engaged in the work on the projects within the framework of U-report Bulgaria, a platform initiated by UNICEF and active in more than 90 countries in the world. The latest study is entitled U the War Reporters. According to Dodov, young people are obviously strongly influenced by what is happening in Ukraine and comment on it. The survey shows that the majority of them draw information about the conflict mainly from the so-called traditional media - television, radio, than from online media.
Control of information about the war and the positions of the parties is carried out on the one hand by blocking proven false and propaganda content. On the other hand, the aim is to inform users about facts that have been verified and can now be trusted. Nikola Tulechki is a university lecturer, data consultant, as well as part of the team of Factcheck.bg - a platform fully engaged in checking facts from the information flow. He explains that those spreading misinformation on the web use a popular topic or event as bait, which they offer discussion and sharing. In this thread, by the way, the main fake information is released. Tulechki believes that young people, although they spend more time online and think they are aware of the peculiarities of the network, are also quite susceptible to information manipulation. On the other hand, he says, the big social networks aren't doing enough to moderate content.
The Internet is by no means a secure environment for business, points out Plamen Popov, co-founder and executive director of Bulgarian Entrepreneur magazine. He organized a competition for entrepreneurial ideas "Start Young". His advice to young people starting a business on the Internet is to keep in mind that not every expressed interest in a product is a willingness to buy. At the same time, he reminds that there are also ill-wishers in the Internet space who are openly looking for more naive people to take advantage of.
Young people, as people with less life experience, receive support from the regulations introduced by the European Parliament's first reading of the Digital Services Act (DSA). Hristo Nihrizov, an expert of the Information and Communication Technologies Law Center, notes that the law provides for restrictions on targeted advertising for minors.
Online entrepreneurs, apart from everything else, should also be prepared for piracy attacks. Piracy is causing significant damage to the online distribution of movies and music. Lithuania ranks third in the European Union in terms of the volume of pirated digital content. Although the statistics are slightly improving, Elena Ruikite, project manager at Kurk Lietuvai, says there is still leaves much to be desired.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Автор: Любомира Константинова
Естествените материали ли са онези, които ще бъдат използвани в строителството на бъдещето, на бъдещите европейски домове? Как използваме или можем да използваме материалите, които са налични около нас - бързовъзобновяеми, въглеродопоглъщащи, климатично неутрални, здравословни? Новият европейски Баухаус ли е отговорът на тези въпроси за представителите на Поколението Z в България?
Това ни казват: Мартин Микуш, архитект, специализирал урбанизъм в САЩ, Владимир Гечев, програмистът, който преди пет години си построи къща от слама, а днес, когато вече не е програмист, създава домове от сламени панели за други хора, и Димитър Михайлов, предприемач, който променя живота си, за да може да осигури за себе си, а и не само за себе си, здравословна среда на живот, свързана с жизнения цикъл на индустриалния коноп. Димитър създава и фейсбук групата за взаимопомощ „Конопобетон България“ (Hempcrete Bulgaria).
The New Bulgarian European Bauhaus
Author: Lyubomira Konstantinova
Are the natural materials the ones that will be used in the construction of the future, of future European homes? How do we use or can we use the materials that are available around us - fast-renewable, carbon-absorbing, climate-neutral, healthy? Is the new European Bauhaus the answer to these questions for the representatives of Generation Z in Bulgaria?
This is what we are asking: Martin Mikush, an architect who specialized in urban planning in the United States, Vladimir Gechev, the programmer who built a straw house five years ago and today, when he is no longer a programmer, creates houses from straw panels for other people, and Dimitar Mihailov, an entrepreneur, who is changing his life so that he can provide for himself, and not only for himself, a healthy living environment related to the life cycle of industrial hemp. Dimitar also created the Facebook group for mutual assistance "Hempcrete Bulgaria".

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Автор: Мартин Николов
По-можещи, по-знаещи, по-технологични. Това са три определения, които идеално се вписват в профила на младите хора, които се занимават с изкуство. Без значение дали опъват струните на китарата, пръстите им тичат по клавишите или ежедневно са изправени на стенката.
Ангелина Сапаревска – АнжелиДаниел Елисеев – музикант, преподавател по китараМаксим Христов, ученик в Националното училище по изкуствата „Добри Христов” във ВарнаМарин Попов, преподавател по музикаЕкатерина Веселинова – Ека, балеринаКонстантин Костов, главен асистент в Националната художествена академия в София
Дамян Косец, директор на галерия „Sloart” в СловенияХристо Калоянов, куратор на свободна практикаЯна Стоянова, студент по моден дизайн във Варненския свободен университет
Contemporary European youth art
What is art? It is difficult to give an unambiguous definition. However, it depends on personal perceptions and feelings. For some it is food for the soul, for others - a way to escape from reality, for others - a form of expression. And more, and more, and more.
More powerful, more knowledgeable, more technological. These are three definitions that fit perfectly into the profile of young people who are involved in art. Whether they stretch the strings of the guitar, their fingers run on the keys or face the wall every day. Today the technology is at a much higher level than in the past.
It is typical for each generation to change both itself and the environment in which it grows and lives. Denial of authority is also a typical form of behavior.
For the generation born between 1996 and 2009, there is one common fact that unites him. And these are the Internet and technology. No matter the art form.
Angelina Saparevska - AngeliDaniel Eliseev - musician, guitar teacherMaxim Hristov, student at the National School of Arts "Dobri Hristov" - VarnaMarin Popov, music teacherEkaterina Veselinova - Eka, ballet dancerKonstantin Kostov, Chief Assistant at the National Academy of Arts in SofiaDamian Kosec, director of the „Sloart” gallery in SloveniaHristo Kaloyanov, freelance curatorYana Stoyanova, student of fashion design at Varna Free University

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